Shenzhen Investment Limited maintained its A rating in MSCI ESG ratings report in June 2021.
Shenzhen Investment ranked the 31st in the "Top 50 Listed Housing Enterprise Value List 2020" announced by Sina Finance, and with excellent financial and risk control, it ranked the 5th among the Top 10 in respect of Financial Stability.
Sina Finance
Shenzhen Investment Limited was rated A the first time in the MSCI ESG ratings report in September 2020.
Shenzhen Investment won four prizes in the International ARC Awards 2019 under categories of Cover Photo/Design, Printing & Production and Traditional Annual Reports, including 1 Gold Award, 1 Silver Award, 1 Bronze Award and 1 Honors Award.
ARC Awards
Shenzhen Investment was enlisted on Top 100 Chinese (Global) Listed Companies by Warton Economic Institute.
Warton Economic Institute
Shenzhen Investment was ranked the 43rd on Top 100 Most Valuable Real Estate Brand in China by the National Business Daily of China with its brand value amounted to RMB6.15 billion.
National Business Daily
Shenzhen Investment won the "Most Valuable Real Estate Company" in “2018 Golden Hong Kong Stock” Awards organized by Zhitongcaijing (智通财经) and Tonghuashun Caijing (同花顺财经).
Zhitongcaijing and Tonghuashun Caijing
Shenzhen Investment was awarded the “Company with Promising Return on Investment in Hong Kong Stock Market” award at the 2018 Golden Wing Awards organized by SCTN.
Shenzhen Investment won the 2018 China Top 100 Listed Housing Enterprises Awards at the “China Top 100 Listed Housing Enterprises Summit” jointly organized by EH Research and
EH Research and
Shenzhen Investment won five prizes in the International ARC Awards 2017 under categories of Cover Photo/Design, Printing & Production and Traditional Annual Reports, including 2 Gold Awards, 1 Bronze Award and 2 Honors Awards.
ARC Awards
Shenzhen Investment ranked 330th on Fortune China 500 list by Fortune China magazine in 2017.
Fortune China magazine
Shenzhen Investment was endorsed with the “2016 International ARC Awards - Silver Award” for Cover Photo/Design in the “Real Estate Development” category.
ARC Awards
Shum Yip Upperhills won the “China Top 10 Future Human Settlements 2016 - Innovative Future Gold Award.”
Shenzhen Investment ranked 22th in EH Research(亿翰智库)’s list of Top 100 Listed Real Estate Companies in China in terms of net profit in 1H2016.
EH Research(亿翰智库)
Shenzhen Investment ranked 37th in EH Research(亿翰智库)’s list of Top 50 Listed Real Estate Companies in China in terms of rental income from self-sustaining properties in 1H2016.
EH Research(亿翰智库)
Shenzhen Investment ranked as one of the Top 500 companies in China by Fortune China magazine in 2016.
Fortune China magazine
Shum Yip Auto Park obtained the “Innovation and Progress Award” by China Automobile Dealers Association.
China Automobile Dealers Association
Shum Yip Land was awarded with the “Best Hotel Owners of the Year” at The 2015 AHF International Hotel Investment Summit & 2nd Global Hotel Asset Management Conference.
Shum Yip Terra Chegongmiao Redevelopment Project – Phase I was awarded with the “Best Urban Regeneration Project - Gold Recognition” in MIPIM Asia 2015.
Shum Yip Upperhills was ranked among China’s Top 10 Most Sought-after Urban Complexes.
Shenzhen Investment was ranked among of China’s Top 10 Innovative Real Estate Enterprises.
Tairan Construction Engineering Company obtained "2014 Excellent Busniess Parntership" Awards by Gemdale Group.
Gemdale Group
Holiday Inn Resort Chaohu Hot Spring becomes "The Best Hot Spring Resort Hotels of China" granted by The 10th China Hotel Starlight Awards.
China Hotel
Shum Yip Upperhills-Theater has fulfilled the requirements of Pre-certification under leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED?) for core&shell development level: PLATINUM.
Shum Yip Upperhills-Tower One has fulfilled the requirements of Pre-certification under leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED?) for core&shell development level: GOLD.
The brand of “Shenye” ranked TOP10 of real estate brand in South China.
Shenzhen Investment Limited was elected No.7 of the Best Investor Relations in China region by institutional investors at the voting campaign of “Asia’s Best Companies 2014” held by FinanceAsia.
Shenzhen Investment’s Annual Report won three ARC Awards, namely Gold Award for Cover Photo/Design, Silver Award for Traditional Annual Report and Honorary Award for interior Design.
ARC Awards